MGear -The Ultimate Everyday Carry Gear – Brand Animation

Get up, Gear up and Join our Evolution!

If you’ve been following MGear, you know that several months ago we began working on a series of animations to showcase MGear products in a fun, unique way.

Today, we’re stoked to show you our latest animation which focuses on the MGear brand, rather than a specific product. This animation combines all of the 3D models from our previous animations and assembles them together into something far greater than the individual parts. This concept has long been a dream for us and we’re excited to finally share it with you.

If you look closely enough, you’ll even be able to spot our upcoming MGear Gadget Wallet 3.0 – shown for the very first time in animation.

We’re already planning an animation devoted to highlighting all the awesome features of the new wallet and expect to release it by the end of the summer.